About Tri Collective


Tri. Triune. Trinity. Three in one.
The foundation of Tri Collective is in the knowledge that there is a singular God that exists in the union of three parts; Father, Son, Holy Spirit. None of these pieces exist outside of the other, and they are unbreakable, unchanging, forged together to work for our good.
I am made in the image of the Triune God, thus, I am also a creator (much more so than an artist).  My joy comes from thinking of unique products and discovering unique ways to create them.  As a young woman I was mentored by a few incredible persons; two retail geniuses that instilled the mantra that the customer is always right and one a creative junkie who taught me to embrace the messiness and joy in a lump of clay.  Only one of those three is still in my life but they all have left fingerprints on my creative spirit and I am forever grateful to each.  

"A cord of three strands is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12
Three daughters here on earth. One beloved daughter watching over us in heaven. My husband, children and grandchildren bring joy to my every day.
Working out of my little red barn in Michigan, where dogs and children roam in and out on a daily basis, creativity is unleashed when my heart and mind are aligned with God. 

 Tri Collective stoneware is based on three basic colors and their combinations together; Black, White and Natural Tan. I spend a lot of sleepless nights thinking of things to create. Some designs come to fruition and others end up in the woods behinds my studio; it's all part of the process! It's important to me to make fun, unusual items and to do them well while offering outstanding customer service.